I fell in love with the live oaks.
Named "live" because they are very nearly continuously green, the live oak is the Georgia state tree, and with good reason. Many of these trees have been around long before Georgia was a state, normally living hundreds of years. They are huge trees growing as much as 85 ft. tall and spreading out to make an entire yard-full of shade. Their massive trunks and thick branches are perfect for youthful adventures and romantic swings.They are the hardest of North American woods and was once used in naval ships - including the USS Constitution.
I've seen photos of these trees before, but nothing can do them justice like spending some time walking under them. They gave me a feeling of security--of being protected and hidden in the Father's arms.
I envisioned generations of picnics beneath them, barefooted children skittering up the low branches, couples sharing secret kisses, and perhaps a proposal or two under the Spanish moss draped branches. I found myself wishing these trees could talk and tell me all they'd seen.
Now back home, I find my thoughts going back to those grand Southern belles and fervently wishing someone could develop a breed of live oak that could grow in snowy Montana. Until then...alas...I shall love from afar and fondly remember my walks in those lush groves.
P.S. Wish Judy Miller Happy Birthday today! She's 29! Sort of.