Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kayla Woodhouse Blog on Purity

I have a dear friend - a wonderful 16 year old who has a heart for Jesus and a desire to encourage other young people to strive for a life of purity.

Kayla has started a new blog site and I want to encourage you to check it out and if you have young people in your life - direct them towards this blog as well.  Kayla's the beauty on the far right of the photo below.

Here's the website:!/blog/

Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
God Bless You!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Winners of Quarryman's Bride

Here are the winners of the Quarryman's Bride!!

Rosie from down under
Kay Davis
Karen G.
Melanie Cafaro
Grandma Betty Kelley

Send me your addresses and full names to and I'll send your winnings. :)

God Bless You!

Friday, May 17, 2013

A new book and a taste of Scotland

Wahoo - it's here - it's out!  A brand new baby - The Quarryman's Bride.

This is book 2 set in Minnesota - although completely unrelated to book 1 The Icecutter's Daughter.
This story is set around St. Cloud, Minnesota, deals with granite quarry work and the Scottish culture of those who were heavily involved in the quarry processes.

In honor of the new book, I'm sharing a recipe with you.  It's a traditional Scottish Shortbread and it's soooooo easy that even I could manage it. :)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Mix together:
2 cups flour
1 cup butter (I use the salted kind)
1/2 cup sugar

Pat the dough into a buttered 9x13 dish (smaller if you want it thicker)
Prick the dough with a fork and sprinkle top with sugar
Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Cool and eat.

The Scottish love their shortbread as well as many other interesting dishes - like haggis.  While in Scotland last December I finally broke down and tried haggis.  It was as I suspected - not at all to my liking.  Of course when you look at this traditional recipe you may understand why.

Haggis Ingredients:
Set of sheep's heart, lungs and liver (cleaned by a butcher)
One beef bung
3 cups finely chopped suet
One cup medium ground oatmeal
Two medium onions, finely chopped
One cup beef stock
One teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
One teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon mace

When faced with it Judy and I found it rather daunting.  Here's what ours looked like.
That's the haggis - stuffed in a plum.  The rest of the meal was much better - mashed potatoes and venison tenderloins.
But the experience was interesting nevertheless, and I don't know about Judy, but I miss Scotland. It was so beautiful.

But amazingly enough my little corner of the world here in Montana looks very similar.
 How I praise God for such glorious beauty in this our fallen world.  I am truly blessed of the Lord, and I'd love to bless you too. Comment here and I'll put your name in to win a book - in fact - I'm giving away 5.  You can comment on this blog until 11:59 p.m. May 17th to be entered.  I'll post the winners on my website at - just click on JOURNAL on May 18th for the winners.
God Bless You!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Quarryman's Bride Winners

The Winners of Mona Hodgson's contest for my Quarryman's Bride books are as follows:

Sarah Richmond
Lynne Young
Keren Herrera
Jenny Tipton
Nat Holmgren

Books should go out this week, ladies.  Congratulations!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mona Hodgson is featuring me at her blog site

Check this out!

Here's the link:

She's promoting my next release - The Quarryman's Bride

One of the treats at the blog is my recipe for Traditional Scottish Shortbread and let me tell you - it's a real treat.

God Bless You!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The winner is

The winner of the "Make You Smile" basket is:

Amber Perry!

When asked what makes you smile - Amber gave the following response.

Amber PerryMay 3, 2013 at 10:12 PM
What a great post! I have to say that I agree with you on what makes you smile, especially our country's flag and the freedom is represents, as well as God and family--of course!!! But for something on the side--cold lemonade on a warm summer's evening. :) God bless!!!!!

Congratulations Amber and now you have me wishing for some lemonade. :)

Please send me your name and address in a private email at

Tracie Peterson

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tell me what makes you smile and win!

As most of you know I just got back from a book tour in Minnesota.  I have to tell you that Minnesotans are some of the nicest folks I've met.  My hubby Jim and I had a great time and a lot of smiles.

In Montana we have a lot of these signs.  My husband Jim says that if he legally changes his name - this is it - GUSTY CROSSWINDS.  I think that sounds like a Country and Western singer and it always makes me smile.

And nothing makes me smile quite so much as a well-packed car.  Years of playing Tetras on the computer have paid off once again!
Quilts and libraries definitely make me smile and when you can combine the two together - wow!

And organization - always always makes me smile


As does our flag and the blessing of living free.
And who doesn't smile at power poles that look like kitty cats?
My biggest smile comes from home and family.


Mack with his summer shave.

Professor Mittens catching some sun
And of course my grandkids
So what makes you smile? Share your thoughts and get entered to win my "Make You Smile" gift basket.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Please Vote

Please vote for best historical cover and others at this cover art contest.

The annual reader's poll for best covers are up at the Cover Cafe:

TO LOVE AND CHERISH is one of the nominees under HISTORICAL category!  Wahoo!!

I love this cover and think Bethany House art director Paul Higdon did a fantastic job and deserves to be rewarded for his awesome work.

You have to vote in at least 3 categories for your vote to count - so please take time out to vote in other categories as well. There are some gorgeous covers and some pretty bad ones. :)

God Bless You!
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