Friday, April 15, 2011


Last week I was at the Women of Faith event in Billings, Montana. It was, as I expected, incredible!

Patsy Claremont was an absolute delight. She had us laughing so hard most of the time that we couldn't help but feel the joy of the Lord.

Andy Andrews also spoke and he was fantastic. He had so many tidbits of wisdom to share and one in particular really touched a nerve.

He said, "Our choices need to reflect what we say our priorities are."

I think a lot of time it's easy to say that God or family or health or "fill-in-the-blank" is our priority and yet our choices often show something else. I know I've been guilty of that and it really caused me to take a hard look at what I say are priorities in my life.

Mandissa's singing was sooooo encouraging and inspiring. She had everyone, even those over 70, on their feet rockin' to the beat. The worship team was fantastic and offered such a wonderful time of praise. Selah gave an exceptional performance and really blessed us offering a mix of the new and old.

Last but not least, Sandi Patty sang for us and encouraged us to sing with her, so now I can say that Sandi Patty and I sang together. When she sang WE SHALL BEHOLD HIM there wasn't a dry eye in the place. I encourage you to take a listen.

To me, it's always amazing that you can find such intimacy with God in an arena of thousands, but that's exactly what we had in Billings last week. I hope you get a chance to attend a Women of Faith conference soon.

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