We're Texas bound and by the time this blog comes out - we'll be up to our necks in research material - at least that's the plan.
The next series I plan to write (it will release God willing in fall 2010) will be set in Texas. I lived there 2 years as a child and still say some of my words with a drawal. My memories of Texas at that time are generally good despite the fact that we were dirt poor. We ate a lot of black-eyed peas and hushpuppies (my mom called them Shut-up Dogs) and ham and beans as this was the least expensive food to be had. We learned to love grits and to pick pecans and to pray extra hard during tornado season because Texas isn't big on basements due to the soil.
There were other things that come to mind. I remember we had an awesome church, and for fun we often went and parked at the end of the Dallas Love Field runway and watched the planes take off over our heads. Had we any idea of the danger of course, we never would have.
The biggest thing I remember about Texas is how much God grew my faith. There were really awful times when we didn't know where our next meal would come from or whether there would be money to pay the various bills, but we would pray and God always provided. To the 8 year old child I was - it was amazing and exciting to see God work in that way, so I will always remember Texas fondly for those lessons.
Anyway, I'll be exploring East Texas this time around and trying to endure the heat and humidity and would appreciate your prayers.
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