First, I wanted to let you know that Rainy (my granddaughter) is doing much better. She's going to have her 23rd brain-related surgery to reimplant a shunt in her head. Hopefully if all goes well she will go home next week. Here's a pre-sugery photo. She and I thank you for all the prayers. Keep them coming, please.

Second - this time of year always puts me in the mind of reflection. The first ten days of January not only hold New Year's, but my birthday (50 years) and my wedding anniversary (29 years). It's been the best of times--it's the worst of times. Hmmm, that would be good in a book. :)
I'm still the kind of person that wants to put the past to rest and press on towards the goal, but I always want to appreciate what I have. This year I'm reflecting on all the wonderful people in my life. My family - husband Jim, kids Jen, Julie (and Geoff her husband), and Erik, my grandchildren Rainy, Fox and Max. My mom, my mother-in-law. My aunts and uncles, cousins and so forth. Then there are my dear friends who have walked so many valleys and mountain tops with me. There are work associates who have become dear to me--almost like family and definitely friends. There's my church family, and the list goes on and on.
I'm thankful for all the people in my life. Some I barely know and only hear about from time to time, but others are like an extended part of my heart. We have loved each other--cared for one another--bore each other's burdens and cried in each other's arms. We have laughed together and lauded each other for our accomplishments, and we have hurt together--and sometimes hurt each other.
But through it all, I reflect on the purpose of each person in my life--the reason God put you here--the reason God put me here. There have been so many lessons learned and so many lessons that will no doubt come down the road. You are precious to me for so many more reasons than I can write on this blog, and I cherish that we could walk through life together.
In the words of Philippians 1:3 - I thank my God upon my every remembrance of you.Thank you for being a part of my life.