In historic research I’m always coming across fun facts and since my sister bloggers write historical fiction and the blog readers seem to love it as well – I thought you might like to see what I found in the Home Cooking book – recipes compiled by the Waseca Co. Historical Society in Waseca, MN. If you want to purchase a copy – their phone number is 1-507-835-7700. It does mention that some of these recipes aren’t recommended for today’s use.
Panada (for Invalid’s Tray)
Place a cracker, fresh and dry, in a saucer. Fill with hot water and slightly salt. Let it stand in a warm place like the back of the stove or the hearth. The cracker will absorb water so add more and eventually the cracker will become clear and of the consistency of jelly. Drain any remaining water, add butter or cream, sugar if preferred. (From Miss Canfield, submitted by the Congregational Church Cookbook – 1899)
I know if I were sick I would definitely want this. NOT!

Cough Syrup
10 cents Lenkrich, 10 cents Tincture of Lobelea, and 10 cents Annis oil
Soak Lenkrich in 3 cups of water. Next morning add 2 cups of sugar and cook to a syrup. Let cool and add Lobelea and Annis Oil. (From Grandmother Friday submitted by Dianne Peterson)

Mom’s Homemade Salve
¼ lb. bees wax, ¼ lb. rosin and 1 lb. unsalted butter. Stir together and boil until it is dissolved. Pour in jars to harden. (from Marlys Keane)
Remedy for Ivy Poisoning
1 ounce tincture of iron mixed with 2 ounces of glycerine, applied a few times locally will cure the severest cases in 24 hours. (from Dianne Peterson – no relation to me)
And last but not least a much needed element for any household.

2 tbsp. mustard, 2 tbsp. turpentine, 2 pts. Vinegar. Shake well before using. Good for man or beast. (From Carol Hagen)
It’s hard sometimes to imagine not just being able to run down to the store for medicine and over the counter cures (although they had plenty of those in the 1800’s too). Most folks made and kept handy recipes like I’ve listed, however, because it was so much cheaper than buying someone else’s bottled remedy.

Besides, who knew better than grandma (or in this case my great, great,grandma Amanda Shane)how to cure the common cold?
Blessings to you