We were stranded for a time in Birmingham due to snow and ice. Now we're weathering the threat of thunderstorms in Louisiana.

Tonight we had a great time at Steamboat Bills in Lake Charles. I had Crawfish Etoufee - Yum! Here I am with Kim. Note the Alligator overhead. :)
We have had such neat things to see in the south. My favorite Live Oaks.
As well as some nifty old buildings. Here we were in an old post office in Albany, GA. Look at
this awesome plaster ceiling.

I remember as a little girl being in the train station where these were set up. There was always some nifty old man snapping the shoes and humming or singing. I always loved to watch them and recognize the artistry of their craft.
The South and I really don't agree, however. The humidity is straining my lungs and causing my asthma to kick in so it's probably good that I'm just a few days from heading home.
We're having a lot of fun, however and I'm blessed to get to know the Woodhouse family better and to experience RV travel. Tonight with thunderstorms threatening, I'm really not sure that RVing will be for me. :D
God Bless Ya'll as we say down here.