I love Montana and the colder weather. I've never done well in the heat and since learning about having MS - it's really no wonder. My body just doesn't regulate the temperature in my body properly, so warm weather, stuffy Walmarts, and hot, humid climates just don't agree with me. I thank God for such a wonderful place to live.

The Brides of Seattle series is completed and all 3 books have been published and made available to the public. This was such a fun series for me to write and I hate to let go of the characters. According to some of the emails I've received, there are a great many readers out there who are also having trouble letting go. Who knows - maybe somewhere down the road we'll revisit those wonderful folks.
The Brides of Seattle series deals with the time period when almost all of Seattle's downtown was burned to the ground. Here are some photos that I found from that time period prior to the fire

Newspaper account of the fire
I think most amazing of all is that within a year, Seattle had remade itself. There was still work to be done, but so much had been accomplished in a very short time. Just goes to show what folks with that go-to spirit can accomplish.
I hope you get a chance to read the series, and if you do - drop me a note here and let me know what you enjoyed or didn't enjoy about the series.
Soli Deo Gloria!