First to arrive was A LADY OF HIGH REGARD with a fresh new cover and title.

It's now translated - THE MATCHMAKER. And that fits, because the story deals with a heroine who likes to match make.
The second came today and is a new translation of WHERE MY HEART BELONGS.

Now the title is - WHERE MY HEART DROVE ME. I had to laugh at that one. It wasn't as great as Kim's Shards of Luck, but it amused me. And, it seems very appropriate given that my heart often drives me to go a lot of places. Like writing as a way of sharing Jesus with others.
I now have books in German, Dutch, Norwegian, Indonesian, Spanish, and a strange dialect from India that I can't spell much less pronounce. It thrills me to pieces to see this, because my books are a ministry for the Lord. I am totally stoked to imagine all the places that these books might go. If you think about, please pray a blessing on the people who read the various works of Christian fiction. This is a precious mission field and I'm so blessed to be a part of it, but this is only one small part as I'm sure any of the authors here would attest. Seed planting is vital, but there needs to also be cultivators and harvesters. Pray that God will send someone to the people who read these books--someone who will be a blessing and encouragement to the reader. Someone who will share in this mission to help people fall passionately in love with Jesus.
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