As promised, this week I'm sharing Victoria, British Columbia with you. This is a wonderful little island town to visit, and if you get chance to go there - do! It's a short trip by ferry to Victoria from Washington state or Vancouver ports.

There is a wonderful castle house called Craigdarroch Castle. It just oozes historical wonders.

What a grand time we had exploring this place. Each time I go to Victoria, I try to go here and everytime I learn a little more I think how much fun it would be to use this setting for a series. 

In downtown Victoria there's a charming German Restaurant called Rathskellar. The food is incredible. The Empress Hotel offers incredible teatime fun.

Well, by now we're back in port in Seattle and headed home to Montana. I know I'll be ready to see my beloved Bridger range of mountains and my sweet little house, but I will be pining for Alaska and Victoria. What a blessing!
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