Oh we're having a wonderful time in Sitka, AK. The weather has been a variety of misty and overcast, rainy and moody, and sunny. We've been so blessed by the setting and the people.
It's the height of tourist season for Sitka and so most days there are one or more cruise ships in the harbor. It's been fun to play native and watch the visitors scurrying around trying to beat the clock.
I spoke on the radio last Saturday and met Sarah.
The audience was comprised of some wonderful women readers who chatted with me and bought books. We had a very nice time.
Tonight Jim and I will be teaching new writers. Tomorrow we'll wrap it up with a few more workshops and hopefully answer all their questions. There's a nice number signed up to attend, so we should have a lot of fun. Jim and I definitely have a passion for new authors.
Tonight they tell us we may see the Northern Lights! I sure hope so. I've seen them before, but something that great is worth seeing over and over.
We'll be here until Sunday and then head home. Thanks for all the prayers.
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