HEAVEN IS FOR REAL is a book by Todd Burpo

and deals with a 4 year old's experience with a near death experience. It's a quick read that offers a picture of heaven. During the book they mention a wonderful artist Akiane Kramarik. Her portrait of Jesus was painted at the age of eight. I couldn't help but include it here.

Another great read is Liz Curtis Higgs', MINE IS THE NIGHT.

Set in Scotland, Liz offers a wonderful story of love and faith. Her research in Scotish history is phenomenal and I loved the way she used what she learned to flavor the story. This is a companion book to HERE BURNS MY CANDLE and I highly recommend both.
On the movie front I saw a 2009 movie called AGORA.

This movie is set in 391 A.D. Alexandria and shows some of the interesting conflict between Romans and Greeks, Christians and Jews. It was well done with some gore and a couple of brief nudity shots but nothing too heavy-duty. The movie caused me to take a deeper look at the early church and world history at the time. The historic details seem quite well done and the computer graphics showing ancient Alexandia are amazing.
Lastly, I've started writing a new book and would appreciate prayers. I feel strongly that God has his hand on this project and know that it's important to have the support of prayer warriors.
God Bless You!
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