So I've been home for two weeks now and I'm finally getting back in the swing of things. And no - this isn't a current photo - rather it was taken last year around the same time - so I'm enjoying the delay of snow this year. We're having a beautiful fall in fact and I'm getting back into writing my current book.
The book I'm working on is 3rd in another Texas series.

While I was researching and enjoying being home after a wild and crazy traveling schedule since last May, I found the lyrics of this song from 1854 and thought it summed up my heart.
"My old House my dear happy Home" (1854)
Composed by
Frederick Buckley
1. There’s a spot that I love, there’s a home that I prize
Far better than any on earth,
It is bound to my heart by the holiest ties,
And I prize oh how fondly its worth;
’Tis no beauty nor splendor endears it to me,
Ah no for its grandeur hath flown,
But ’tis fondest affection that binds me to thee,
My Old House, my dear happy Home.
2. O home! what dear magic is in that sweet sound,
How closely it speaks to the heart,
What a word of deep tenderness in thee is found,
Oh who from such treasure could part;
Could barter the joys of a sweet home of love,
For a path in the wide world unknown,
Could seek for vain pleasures and heartlessly rove,
If they knew the true value of home.
3. Some sigh to be wealthy, some seek to be great,
Some envy what others can do,
But oh I’m in my lowly estate,
For the hearts all around me are true.
And ties that are nearer and dearer to me,
And hearts that are truly mine own,
With fondest affection now binds me to thee,
My Old House, my dear happy Home.
Isn't that fun. I thought it really fit how I felt now that we're home.
Oh and one other fun thing that's happened this week - I got a delivery of a new cd. If you like blues-jazz I have to say this is great.

Blessings to you all!
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