Friday, December 21, 2012

Reflecting on the Past

With so much of death in the news this week, I couldn't help but reflect on the past--especially when I look at pictures of the ancient cemeteries in Scotland.

Cemeteries have always been one of my favorite places to wander. I love the quiet, the beauty and the simplicity of the settings. Even in the midst of large cities, cemeteries always seem a place of peace and respite.

Walking through these wonderful old cemeteries reminded me of how precious life is and yet how fleeting. For all the time these folks spent on earth, here 200+ years later their markers still stand as reminders of the past and what once had been.
Sometimes the markers give us insight into the lives of the men, women and children. They often mention their relationship to others and give a hint of what others thoughts of those who've died.

For a time these stones will continue to mark the final resting places of these dear souls, but eventually even these will pass away.  The real markers, the lasting markers, are the memories we leave behind, the kindnesses we showed each other, the love of Jesus that we shared.

 Last week 26 people lost their lives in a school shooting, hundreds, even thousands of others died elsewhere and in will we. What kind of marker will you leave behind? Will you be remembered as beloved--as someone who generously gave of their heart? Will people smile when they mention your name?

The tragedy of that school shooting was heartbreaking, but I am blessed as the mothers, fathers, grandparents and friends share their stories and give a reflection of the love these dear ones left behind. Stones will be erected in their memory, but the true mark of their existence is imprinted on the hearts of those who shared their lives.

Whose heart are you imprinting?

God Bless!

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