Friday, January 18, 2013

Digging Deeper

This has been an incredible week of digging deeper in the Bible. I've been completely blown away by learning how to better study God's Word. As I mentioned last week, my husband Jim and I came down to Colorado Springs to take Precepts Ministry leadership training with 3/4ths of the Woodhouse family Kim, Josh, and Kayla(Jeremy who is a pastor couldn't make it as he's also a principal at a school).

This will help equip us better to lead Precept Inductive Bible Studies which I have come to dearly love.


One of the first things we were taught about "Inductive Bible" studies was the focus. By breaking down the word Inductive to focus on "In" and "du" you get In-du-Bible and In the Bible is exactly the best place to learn more about God's Word - In The Bible.

We learned the importance of marking words for emphasis. My husband was originally against this idea. Well, that's putting it too strongly. He just didn't believe it was all that important. Then he started doing it and admitted that it was helpful. I love it. At a glance I can look at the chapter and see the who, what, when, where, how and why. It's been a real blessing. 

We've also been focusing on context.  When reading and studying the Bible - context is so very important.  My mother taught me that when I was quite young.  She said "Don't just pull verses out of the Bible to please yourself otherwise you end up with things like, "Judas hanged himself."  and "Go ye and do likewise."  If you put those two Scriptures together you get a false message to be sure.  Conext is critical to understanding exactly what God wants us to know about His Word.

Not only that, but we've had an amazing time with the Woodhouse family and our instructor John.  Here Kim and I learning amazing new information.


Here's Josh Woodhouse pondering the new information.

And here's our mascot - Teacup Yorkie - Samson Woodhouse
So I ask that you would keep us in prayer as we travel back on Saturday and please pray for Kim Woodhouse. Shortly after the above photos were taken she had to be rushed to the hospital with severe pain. On Wednesday they removed her gallbladder. Pray for her to be healed completely. Thanks so much!

God Bless You!

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